The End
I kept feeling this urge to push. I guess at that point I had accepted that I was going to have my baby naturally and that I just needed to have faith that everything would be OK. It also helped that my baby’s heartbeat had become extremely calm. To prepare for the birth my midwife had removed my catheter and drip as well as the heartbeat and contraction monitors which was such a relief, I was finally free to move. Once everything was prepped the process started. The midwife asked me to start pushing whenever I felt a contraction. This was a little hard for me as I could not really feel my contractions so I basically just pushed every time I felt the urge to. At some point I had decided to squat (this idea I got from all the birthing techniques I found on Pinterest) I tried this for a bit but I was so exhausted that it was difficult to keep myself in that position so the midwife advised me to lay back down again. After a while, he started becoming concerned because my baby's head was still not out. It was around this time that two of the senior doctors that were doing their rounds with the students popped into our room and assisted the midwife. I remember the female doctor telling me that my baby could only breathe in the womb or out of it but not in the birth canal so I needed to push as hard as I possibly could. I think at that point the mixture of the epidural and my sheer exhaustion had really kicked in so it was rather difficult for me so she decided to help me by pulling my vagina open. When she did this I could no longer feel when I had the urge to push so the other doctor took my husband’s place on the side of my bed and held my stomach to feel my contractions so he would tell me exactly when I needed to push. We were still not making progress so the lady doctor decided to cut me and suction my baby out. It took about 3 seconds and then I heard that first cry and boy oh boy what a wonderful sound it was to hear!
I remember being so exhausted that when the doctor put my baby on my tummy to cut the umbilical cord, I had to use every ounce of strength I had left to cling on to her so that she would not just slip off of me. At some point during all of this, my husband had left the room to answer a call from his dad so when I asked the midwife if we had a little boy because that was the gender given to us at our ultrasound the midwife just looked at me all confused and he was like “no it's a baby girl”. When my husband came back into the room, I said: “Happy valentine’s day daddy we have a little girl”. I will never forget the look on my husband’s face when I said this he even paused for a moment as if he were waiting for me to tell him that I was joking but that was not the case. Once the confusion wore off, he was so excited because he really wanted a little girl.
Anyway, once I was all stitched up the midwife and my husband helped me up but before we left the room, I decided to take a quick glimpse in the mirror. I looked like a hot mess!!!!! I laugh about this now because a day before I went into labor I washed, blow-dried and straightened my hair so I could look like a decent human being but during all those contractions when I was laying down on the wet towel it ended up frizzing my straightened hair. I also asked my husband to put my hair up into a bun as the hair was irritating me and with a drip in my hand, I could not tie it up myself so you can imagine what I looked like. I guess we can all find those moments to laugh about after it is all over.
And just like that after many hours of being uncomfortable and in pain after the lack of sleep, lack of food and crazy hair. After all the awkward moments, laughs and stitches Dylan and I became the parents to the most wonderful little girl ever. It was the start of something new.
Much love my Britzie’s XOXO
Adeena Britz was born on Wednesday the 14th of February 2018 at 09:45 am. She weighed 3.2 kg's and she was 52 cm long.
"Yes, I had a pretty traumatic childbirth experience but I would totally go through it all again. Every mother has her own unique experience but I am definitely an advocate for a natural birth. If you are healthy enough and it poses no risk to you or your unborn baby then I feel like you should definitely opt for the natural way. I know that the whole birthing process can be daunting for a first time mom. I guess the best thing you can do for yourself is to do your research find out the pros and cons of all birthing options and then make your decision. At the end of the day, it is completely up to you and what you are comfortable with."