Our relationship was always so easy until it wasn't and we had to start putting in the work.
Hey, my loves happy Wednesday. I hope you are all as excited as I am for the upcoming Easter weekend. I may not celebrate Easter but I sure do celebrate long weekends haha.
My husband and I will be celebrating our third year anniversary this year. And boy oh boy !these three years have sure taught us so much about each other, our relationship and everything in between.
We are "that" couple. You know the one that makes the single people wish they were in a relationship and it makes the couples go: "I wish we were like that". Yip we that couple! but as great as our relationship is, no relationship is a walk in the park it takes a whole lot of work to make it great.
Most couples first go through the honeymoon phase. You know that phase where your communication is great and you are both just so smitten and cute all the time. We were in that honeymoon phase for so long that I didn't even think that it was a phase anymore, I thought that we were just destined to be that great couple. Let's take a second to laugh at me for that. Well if you add a baby to the equation and a dash of financial strain and that honeymoon phase ends pretty quickly.
Before our daughter was born we had all these ideas of what we would and would not do, for example: we will go on date nights, we won't let our baby sleep in our bed, our lives won't just revolve around our baby it will still be about us. Well that was until the baby came and that list pretty much went out the door and we had to face a whole new list (The increase in expenses list).
Our relationship was always so easy and then it just wasn't anymore. That's simply because we never had to really put in the work. We didn't have to make time for each other or stick to a strict budget before and so many things changed for us but those were all things we learnt to work through over time and every day we learn something new.
The most important lesson we have learnt through all of this was to love in our own lane. Yes we want nicer things and there are couples that are reaching the goals that we have much faster than us but we have learnt that our path is our own. We will have all those nice things and we will live those big dreams that we have but in our own time. The other very important thing is learning to communicate better but more importantly, listening to one another and learning to be patient and kind to each other. At the end of the day, we are both growing as individuals and as a couple.
Life is not perfect and we will have to face many challenges and instead of trying to avoid them we will learn how to overcome them. It is true that through these challenges we learn more about ourselves and our partners. Always keep in mind that love has many faces. It may not be shown with expensive gifts or super romantic gestures but it may be something as simple as a. "How was your day?" or "Can I make you a cup of tea?" Learn to appreciate your person and all that they do and when those tough times come around work together to get through it all.
Much love my Britzie’s XOXO